A mole is sticking its head out of a hole in the ground.

Mole Removal And Control

Moles have been a part of New York's ecosystem for centuries, playing a role in the environment even before urbanization began to reshape the landscape. Initially, the ecological role was purely beneficial. However, as New York began to develop and urbanize, the interaction between humans and moles started to shift. Gardens, lawns, and landscaped areas in residential and commercial properties suffered from the relentless burrowing, leading to disrupted soil surfaces, unsightly molehills, and damaged plant roots.

Physical Characteristics And Environmental Adaptations

Moles are primarily known for their unique physical characteristics that perfectly adapt them to a subterranean lifestyle. With velvety fur that can move in any direction to facilitate easy movement underground, they are equipped to navigate through their tunnels. Perhaps their most distinctive trait is their large, spade-like forelimbs with powerful claws, designed for digging.  

There are many light-hearted myths and misconceptions about them, such as the belief that they can eat their weight in soil every day. While moles do consume a large amount of food relative to their size, they are eating insects and worms, not soil. Another common misconception is that moles are blind. While their eyesight is poor, they are not completely blind and can detect light, which they avoid.

They have a high metabolic rate, requiring them to eat about half their body weight in food each day to support their energetic digging activities. This need for a constant food supply leads them to areas where their prey is plentiful, including gardens and landscaped areas, which inadvertently brings them into conflict with human interests.

The way we design and maintain our gardens and landscapes can inadvertently make them more attractive to moles. Lush lawns, abundant flower beds, and well-mulched gardens provide ideal hunting grounds. Regular watering and fertilization, intended to keep plants healthy, also foster a rich supply of worms and grubs in the soil, drawing them to these areas. Additionally, the use of organic mulches can encourage the presence of insects and invertebrates.

Activity in residential areas is also influenced by seasonal changes. In spring and fall, when the soil moisture level is typically higher, they are more active in their search for food, leading to increased tunneling near the surface. During dry or cold periods, they may burrow deeper into the ground, but a well-irrigated garden can still attract them even in less favorable seasons.  

Problems They Cause

While they are not typically carriers of diseases harmful to humans, their presence in gardens and lawns can indirectly influence the spread of some pathogens. For example, their activity can disturb soil and plant matter, potentially aiding in the spread of fungal spores or bacteria that could affect garden plants. The greater health concern with moles tends to come from the parasites they might carry, such as fleas or ticks, which can transfer to pets or humans. These parasites can be vectors for more serious diseases, making it important to maintain pest control measures in areas frequented by pets and people.

They can cause significant damage to property, primarily through their burrowing activities. Their tunnels can weaken the structural integrity of lawns and gardens, leading to uneven ground that can be hazardous to walk on. In extreme cases, activity can affect the foundations of small structures such as sheds or patios by disturbing the soil underneath. The aesthetic damage to landscaped areas, including visible molehills and disrupted plants, can also be a concern for property owners.  

Their tunnels can also provide shelter and pathways for other pests, including rodents like mice and rats. These secondary pests can exploit the mole tunnels to access garden areas or even the foundations of buildings, where they can cause their own range of issues, from garden damage to structural harm. Additionally, the disturbed soil at the surface from molehills can attract insects that feed on decaying plant matter, further complicating pest management efforts.

A single one can dig up to 15 feet of tunnel per hour in search of food, resulting in a complex network that can cover a significant area. These tunnels are not random; they include specific sections for nesting, waste disposal, and hunting. The structure of a tunnel system is designed to maximize efficiency in air ventilation and to trap prey. The main tunnels are usually deeper and used for travel, while the feeding tunnels are closer to the surface where insects are more abundant.

They have highly developed sensory capabilities that compensate for their poor eyesight. They are particularly sensitive to vibrations in the ground, which helps them detect prey and predators. Their noses are also incredibly sensitive, allowing them to smell insects and worms in the soil. This keen sense of smell and vibration detection makes them efficient hunters, capable of locating food sources underground.

Varment Wildlife Control stands as a leader in addressing mole-related concerns. Our team is equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to handle problems efficiently. We understand their behavior, habitat preferences, and biology, which allows us to devise strategic measures that are both humane and effective. Contact us today for more information. 

Frequently Asked Mole Questions

Q1. Can moles really "swim" through soil?

A1. Yes, in a sense, they can "swim" through soil. While they aren't swimming in the traditional sense, their powerful front limbs and streamlined bodies allow them to move through the soil with a swimming-like motion. This unique ability enables them to create intricate tunnel systems and navigate underground at an impressive speed, making it appear as though they are indeed swimming through the earth.


Q2. Do they have natural predators?

A2. They do have natural predators, despite their subterranean lifestyle protecting them from many threats. Birds of prey, such as hawks and owls, can capture them when they venture above ground. On the ground, snakes, foxes, and even domestic cats and dogs can pose a threat. These predators must catch the moles during their rare appearances on the surface or happen upon their shallow tunnels.

Q3. How do moles communicate with each other?

A3. They are mostly solitary creatures, but they do have ways to communicate, especially during the breeding season. They use a combination of sounds, scents, and vibrations to communicate. Moles can make squeaking noises and use scent glands to mark their tunnels and territories. The structure of their tunnel systems can also play a role in communication by transmitting vibrations.

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