A close up of an opossum on a wooden fence

Opossum Removal And Control

Opossums hold a unique place in the natural world, boasting an evolutionary history that stretches back over millions of years. Their ancestors roamed the earth alongside dinosaurs, and through an extraordinary journey of adaptation and survival, they have remained a constant in the ever-changing story of life on our planet. In recent years, New York has witnessed a significant rise in the presence of opossums within its urban and suburban landscapes. These creatures, often seen as mere nuisances, have adapted remarkably to the changing environments brought about by human expansion. This adaptation has led to a growing number of encounters between opossums and the human population, raising concerns and challenges for homeowners and businesses alike. 

Unique Characteristics 

Physically, they are most easily recognized by their white or grayish fur, pointed snouts, and long, hairless tails, which they can use to grasp and hold onto branches. Unlike many other pests, opossums have a relatively large size, with some adults measuring up to 40 inches in length, including their tails. Their prehensile tails, sharp claws, and 50 teeth (more than any other North American mammal) equip them well for their omnivorous diet and varied habitat.

One of the most fascinating survival mechanisms of the opossum is their ability to play dead, a behavior known scientifically as thanatosis. When threatened and unable to flee, an opossum will fall to the ground, become stiff, close its eyes, and stick out its tongue, sometimes for hours, effectively convincing predators that it is dead. This act is complemented by the release of a foul-smelling fluid from its anal glands, further deterring would-be predators. This remarkable adaptation, along with their immunity to many common venoms, such as those from snakes, showcases their unique approach to survival in a world full of threats.


Their lifespan is relatively short for their size, with most living only two to four years in the wild. This is partly due to their many predators, including cars and larger animals. Despite their slow and clumsy appearance, they are quite agile and can run, swim, and climb effectively to escape danger.

Attractants And Problems They Cause

Opossums are attracted to residential areas primarily in search of food. They are opportunistic feeders with an omnivorous diet that includes fruits, vegetables, insects, small rodents, and garbage. Unsecured trash cans, pet food left outside, and accessible compost bins provide easy meals for these creatures, drawing them closer to human dwellings. Additionally, gardens and fruit-bearing trees can become unintentional feeding sites for opossums.

Opossums can enter homes through a variety of entry points. Their adept climbing skills allow them to access rooftops, from which they can find openings into attics. They can also exploit small openings in foundations, garage doors, and vents. Their flexible bodies enable them to squeeze through surprisingly small spaces, making it challenging to keep them out.

Physical evidence such as droppings, which are large and may contain undigested food particles, and tracks, distinguished by their thumb-like hind toe, can indicate an opossum’s presence. Noises in the attic or walls at night and a distinctive musky odor can also suggest an infestation. Additionally, damage to gardens, lawns, and exterior pet food sources are telltale signs of these nocturnal visitors. 

Opossums are less likely to carry rabies compared to other wildlife because their body temperature is slightly lower, making it harder for the virus to survive. However, they can carry other diseases that pose risks to humans and pets, such as leptospirosis, tuberculosis, and toxoplasmosis. They can also be hosts to fleas, ticks, and mites, which can transfer a variety of diseases to pets and humans indirectly. Maintaining a clean yard, reducing attractants, and employing tick and flea control for pets can mitigate these risks.

Their search for food can lead to raided gardens, overturned garbage cans, and damaged lawns as they dig for grubs and other insects. Structural damage may occur when they take up residence in attics, crawl spaces, or under decks, where they can tear insulation, gnaw on wiring, and leave droppings that pose health risks. Their nesting habits can also block vents and cause unpleasant odors. 

Partner With Varment Wildlife Control

DIY removal carries several risks, including the potential for injury from bites or scratches if the animal feels threatened. Additionally, there are legal implications to consider. In many areas, wildlife is protected by law, and certain methods of trapping or relocating animals are illegal without proper licenses. Unknowingly violating these regulations can result in fines or other penalties.

Odd and Fun Facts 

Choosing professional pest wildlife removal and control services over DIY methods ensures that the job is done responsibly and legally, with respect for the animals and the environment. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in coexisting harmoniously with local wildlife.

Frequently Asked Opossum Questions

Q1. Can opossums hang by their tails?

A1. While it’s a common myth that they hang from trees by their tails, this is largely inaccurate, especially for adults. Their tails are prehensile and can be used to help them balance and grasp branches when climbing, but adults are generally too heavy to hang by their tails. Younger, lighter opossums may hang briefly, but they do not sleep in this position.

Q2. Can they remember where food is located?

A2. Opossums have surprisingly good memories when it comes to food. Studies have shown that they are better at remembering where food is hidden than rats, rabbits, dogs, and even cats. This memory ability helps them navigate and survive in their environments, where remembering the locations of food sources can be crucial for their survival.

Q3. Can opossums see well?

A3: They do not have very good eyesight, especially during the daytime. They are nocturnal animals with eyes more adapted to night vision. However, their senses of smell and hearing are quite sharp, helping them navigate and find food in the dark.

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